Using Information: New Technologies, Ways & Means

A blog for people interested in contributing to the HICSS-40 minitrack on Using Information: New Technologies...

Saturday, June 10, 2006

HICSS deadline & NEW paper template

Note that the HICSS paper submission deadline is fast approaching! (Papers due June 15th, 2006)

I also updated the link to the paper template to be a direct link to the HICSS authorized .DOC template file. (It's on the left under "Permanent links.")

But if you need it again, here it is: HICSS paper MS Word .DOC template file

And if you're a Latex person, here's your template: HICSS paper Latex template file

If you haven't written a paper yet, get busy!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Do you know till what time does HICSS accept submissions? Our project is will probably need all the extra last-minute time it can get - so if HICSS will accept submissions till, say, midnight 15th June PACIFIC TIME rather than EASTERN TIME then that would be great!

Does anyone know what time does HICSS follow?

6:54 PM  

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